Seascape Nft Seascape Nft related API.
Get Seascape NFT Image
This endpoint allows you to get image of NFT.
Path Parameters
200 .gif image (content type: "image/gif") 403 Too many image options, which indicates an internal error. 0.00000001% chance you would have it. 404 Could not find an image for sprite. Might be nft is not minted yet.
Copy {"error": "403 multiple result", "err_code": 403}
Copy { "error": "404 not found", "err_code": 404}
Get Seascape NFT data
This endpoint returns NFT parameters, such as generation
, quality
Path Parameters
200 Returns the following parameters:
* generation a seascape NFT generation.
id NFT id
img_id Img id, some images are repetitive
quality Seascape quality id
wallet_address Owner of token 404 Probably NFT was not minted yet. 500 Any internal server error returns anything, except JSON. So, the following message will be seen:
Copy {"generation":0,"id":58,"img_id":3,"quality":1,"wallet_address":"0xC6EF8A96F20d50E347eD9a1C84142D02b1EFedc0"}
Copy {"error": "404 not found", "err_code": 404}
Copy {"error": "505 json to string convert error", "err_code": 500}
Get Seascape NFT data in OPENSEA format
The parameters of Token, but for online Token sale platform
Path Parameters
200 The format of successful response solely defined on opensea. So checkout the 404 Probably NFT is not yet minted 500 Any internal server error will return anything, except JSON. So following message will be seen:
Copy {
"error":"404 not found",
Copy {
"error":"500 json to string convert error",
Get batch of nfts by the owner's wallet address
Path Parameters
200 List of the nft metadata in a way, as it was returned by /nft/data/:id
Path Parameters
Get Seasacpe Points (SP)
Returns the calculated Seascape Points.
Seascape Points is a weight of NFT in the Seascape platform. The higher the value, the bold nft it is.
Seascape Points are calculated in format of generation multiplied by quality.
The older the generation, and higher the quality, the seascape points will be high too.
Addiontally, this endpoint returns a signature of hash of seascape points. Any smartcontract of Seascape Platform that requires Seascape Points, will also require the signature of seascape points. By that signature, smartcontract verifies that our backend generated it itself.
Path Parameters
200 Example of successfule response for Nft ID 58 on rinkeby testnet. 403 It is not allowed to have too many signatures for one NFT. 404 If Nft was not minted yet, then seascpe points will be 0. And signature will be empty string. 500 An internal server error retuns anything, except JSON. So the following message will be back:
Copy {
Copy {
"error":"403 too many signatures",
Copy {
Copy {
"error":"500 json to string convert error",